The Rock shelters of Bhimbetka have over 700 rock shelters out of which 400 have paintings. Situated in the foothills of the Vindhya Mountains, the paintings displayed belong to the Mesolithic period. There is a strong resemblance between the inhabitants of the adjacent villages and those depicted in the rock paintings.

The Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka was discovered accidentally by archaeologist Dr. Vishnu Wakankar in 1957-58.

The dense forests which cover the Rock Shelter have protected the rock paintings from being ruined by the quirk of nature. The paintings are done in red and white with the use of green and yellow occasionally. The theme of these paintings is obtained from everyday events. Hunting, animal fights, dancing, honey collection, masks, beautification of bodies, disguises, horse and elephant riders are portrayed in the paintings. Some of the animals that have been depicted in the paintings are tiger, rhinoceros, bison, antelopes, peacocks and elephants.

Manganese, soft red stone, wooden charcoal and hematite have been used to make colours. Possibly animals fat and leaf extracts were used in making the mixture.

Based on the type of tools used in rock paintings, the rock shelters of Bhimbetka display the chronological evolution of prehistoric man. Bhimbetka is filled with natural art and is a great source of joy for archaeologist. These outstanding paintings can be found even on the ceilings of rock shelters which are at frightening heights.

Travel to Bhimbetka, another World Heritage site to view the largest collection of pre-historic cave paintings. The trip promises an opening of your mind.